Friday, August 7, 2015

What did you do this Summer?

Each year as the kids get ready to go back to school, I find myself reflecting on how we spent the summer—which inevitably leads me to pondering our summer vacation. I don't think I've ever looked back on a vacation and said to myself:  "Well, that was a waste of time and money". I never regret the time I spend with my children. I love summer!

I'm not one of those parents that can't wait for school to start again. I am always sad when summer is over. I feel the same way about vacations and family trips. I'm always sad to see them end. One time we spent three weeks on vacation, 21 days together.  I wondered at the end of those days if I would finally feel ready to go back to a routine. I didn’t. Whether we travel together for three days or three weeks, I always find myself back at work a little depressed that we are not all together.

So for those of you who are reluctant to load up the car and go somewhere together, here's my advice: DO IT! Pack a bag, get a tent, make a reservation; Call your aunt, see if you can sleep on her floor, whatever it takes--just load the family up and hit the road! The kids don't care much if you go to a local attraction, public park or expensive resort. They just want your time! If you think you can't afford a vacation, remember: you can't afford not to take a vacation! We’ve traveled together when we had no money, and we’ve traveled together when we had a little money. I can honestly say I enjoyed all of the experiences. If you're waiting for your children to be a little older before you travel: DON’T WAIT! Do it! Do it now! Have a picnic, take a walk, play tag in the park, it doesn't really matter--just do something! Don't miss an opportunity to recreate with your children.

I don't like to sound preachy, but I can honestly say spending time together as a family, including vacations, has been one of the most productive things we have ever done. In my dream world, I would have taken a year off to travel the country with the kids and then written a book about it. That ship has sailed. Instead of one grand venture, we've taken dozens of little ones. Instead of a book, my little blog posts. Summers come and go and so does the time we have with our children. So make the most of it!

Today I have the luxury of sitting back and reflecting on a summer spent with my children. Soon, much sooner than I anticipate, I will have to sit back and reflect on summer without them. They will be out of the house with children of their own. I don't want to look back on that season with regret but instead with happy memories of time well spent.

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